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No freakin’ way people!! History was made last night! Not only did Americans elect the first African-American President, but CNN presented its vast election audience with a technology that we have all been waiting years for. No, not the jet pack (unfortunately), but the very form of communication that George Lucas foreshadowed way back in 1977 when he introduced it in a little film you may have heard of called Star Wars. That’s right folks. The Hologram made its way onto the scene last night!! CNN totally pulled an Obi-Wan on us and transmitted a couple of its correspondences right into their NY headquarters. We are entering Sci-Fi territory here people! Technology has caught up to our wildest dreams and I, for one, am blown away.

anderson-cooperWho did CNN decide to bestow with such an honor as to be one of the first to be “beamed” into their studio? Well, none other than the world famous political journalist Will I Am. That’s right. Will. I. Am. Famous mostly for the hit single “Let’s Get Retarded” and for attempting to crawl out from under the shadow cast by former band mate, Plastic-faced Fergie. Whaaaaaa? Granted, he was attending Obama’s speech in Grant Park, so he was in a political setting (which you couldn’t see because that is the point of the Hologram).  But seriously? CNN couldn’t find a more famous black person than Will I Am at the Obama acceptance speech? What about Oprah? She’s OPRAH for goodness sakes!! She and Anderson Cooper are practically BFF! Getting Oprah to be one of the first CNN holograms would have at least ensured that millions of housewives across the nation would be on board with this future technology and have it replace all their telephones as soon as it becomes market ready (Oprah’s favorite things for 2009? Holograms!). But no. Instead, CNN has Andy The Silver Fox Cooper talking to non-BFF Will I AM about an Obama speech he turned into a song. What did this song really do for Obama’s campaign? Nothing quantifiable that I can see. But Oprah snapped her little fingers back in May and instantly had 20,000 people change their minds regarding this election. That, my friends, deserves some beaming action!

(As a side note, I in no way endorse Oprah and actually disagree with mostly everything that comes out of her mouth and think the housewives of America who are on the Oprah bandwagon have decided to drink the Kool Aid and we should give up all hope for them. That being said, her influence is undeniable.)

Here’s the clip. Please watch The Coop’s face in the very beginning. He is either A) totally amazed by this new technology B) wondering who the hell Will I Am is C) thinking “where the heck is my BFF Oprah?” or D) wondering “Why the hell are we playing Star Trek on CNN?”